Holistic nutrition and lifestyle for a nourished, balanced, and optimal YOU.

Hello and

welcome, I’m Katie…

I am a qualified UK BANT registered nutritionist, a mother, and an avid home cook.

As a passionate Nutritionist, I am dedicated to supporting women's health through holistic nutrition and mindful living. I specialise in helping busy mums and women in their late 30s and beyond.

We live in a modern world that is fast-paced and can often feel overwhelming. I am a great believer in the power of slowing things down while embracing a more intentional way of living and approach to health. I understand that this may sound easier said than done. I empower women to learn what feels good to them and to make choices that prioritise their MIND-BODY AND SOUL health over the noise and demands of modern life.

I am a huge advocate of seasonal living, believing that when we align our diets and lifestyles with the rhythms of nature we can become more mindful. By focusing on fresh and seasonal ingredients we not only nourish our bodies but also help reconnect with nature and the world around us.

I help guide you through my clinic, workshops, and writing to nourish and support your body with fresh, seasonal, nutrient-rich food, combined with mindful lifestyle and self-care practices. The goal is for you to make healthy habits that support your health and lifestyle that are sustainable and manageable, these include practical tips such as meal planning, seasonal recipes, and strategies for incorporating nutrient-dense foods into your everyday life.

Maybe you wish to improve your energy levels, manage hormonal imbalances, get to the root cause of your skin issues, or find ways to support your stressful life. I’m here to support you on each step of your journey. We will work together to create a nourishing and vibrant life that honors your unique needs, there’s no such thing as one-size-fits-all approach. We are all beautiful and unique.

Let’s create a more vibrant, energised, and healthier YOU together!

Katie xx


Explore what Katie offers

  • Online 1:1 clinic and workshops

    Work with Katie and focus on being the optimal version of you. Katie works on getting to the root cause of the symptoms and issues you are facing. Katie’s clinic is based online and she is a qualified BANT registered Nutritionist. Katie helps you to form a healthier relationship with food while empowering you to be the optimal version of yourself. She works with you to understand the interconnectedness of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being, and aligning your diet with your lifestyle needs.

  • Copy writing

    Katie provides a copywriting service focusing on women’s health, nutrition, self care, skin health, food quality, and behavior change. Her work is always grounded and backed by science which is complementary to her authentic style of writing and content creation.

  • Recipe writing and content creation

    Katie provides a recipe developing service. She creates simple wholesome and balanced good-mood food recipes using real whole foods.

    Katie gains inspiration from the seasons, as well as her nutrition background. She wishes to inspire and empower that home cooking doesn’t have to be complicated. Plates full of nutritious and delicious food can be created at every meal once you know HOW.

Autumn nutrition &lifestyle mood board

“Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree.”

— Emily Bronte


  • "Thank you for your wonderful nutritional advice and information, they were invaluable and will change the way I plan, shop and cook. I am now in the best position possible to make changes for a healthier me now, and in the future."

    CB - Dietary review

  • "I love all your practical ideas and tips that can be put into practice straight away."

    RM - Dietary Review

  • "I have thought for years that I had a resonable understanding of what healthy looks like, however this webinar taught me otherwise!

    CJ - Webinar